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Everything changes ... even six-packs of Coca Cola. After nine years of practically no change, Coke introduces 12-packs:... posted on May 04 2002, 1,127 reads


As an effective tool for increasing the compassion in its volunteers, Food Bank gives real-life lessons in the experience of being homeless.... posted on May 03 2002, 1,307 reads


War may be raging in the Middle East, but in this New York neighborhood, Jews and Muslims are getting along just fine.
... posted on May 02 2002, 1,235 reads


If every commuter carried just one more passenger daily, we'd save 600,000 gallons of gasoline and keep 12 million pounds of pollution out of the atmosphere every year. Source: Sprint ... posted on May 01 2002, 2,156 reads


In the small town of Summerset West, near Cape Town, South Africa, Roseline Grobler looks after 180 orphans — orphaned monkeys, that is.... posted on Apr 30 2002, 1,311 reads


... posted on Apr 29 2002, 512 reads


... posted on Apr 28 2002, 2,031 reads


Every person in the United States receives junk mail that represents the equivalent of one and a half trees a year. Source: Environmental Systems of America
... posted on Apr 27 2002, 920 reads


As a child in Singapore, William Tan had to be carried around on someone's back. Having lost his legs to polio, and too poor to afford a wheelchair, he built up a determination to conquer this disease. Now, a student at Harvard, William is in a race to save children from polio.... posted on Apr 26 2002, 894 reads


A support group for people with autism has coined a new term for those who are not autistic- "neurologically typical." Source: Independent Living
... posted on Apr 25 2002, 1,836 reads


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The strongest love is the love that can demonstrate its fragility.
Paulo Coelho

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